Sunday, October 23, 2016

Stop by the Corgi House LFL!

Have you noticed any LFLs (Little Free Libraries) in your community? They are a growing trend and a great way for everyone to share our love of books.

Last year we installed the Corgi House Library, the 2nd official Little Free Library in our town. The original was built by my sister in law and given to my husband and I as a gift. We filled it with books and it was great to see friends and neighbors reading and sharing.

This summer, the Corgi House LFL closed for a couple of weeks for some TLC. My husband and my dad helped to do some minor renovations on the library and I painted some illustrations on it. It was reopened in August. Here are some pictures of finished re-installation.

I am proud to announce that the Corgi House LFL was awarded the status of Library of Distinction in September from the Little Free Library Society! We were given a certificate and featured in the LFL Gallery and on their Pinterest page or starters-- a very exciting honor for us.

The Corgi House LFL accepts and gives books for all ages and topics. So come on by, take a book and/or leave a book, and never stop reading!! You can also follow the Corgi House on Facebook. If you want to start your own, visit the LFL site.

Here are few close-ups of the door illustrations, pre-installation. Can you guess the titles I had in mind?

