This past weekend I had the pleasure of judging the 51st Annual Art show in my hometown of Acushnet, MA. A very dedicated group of arts supporters has kept the show going for many years. They believe in encouraging young artists, and some of my students’ work was featured there as well. Along with local artist and teacher Sue Wilson, we had the difficult task of deciding the winners in each of the categories.
One of my favorite pieces was a quirky and beautifully painted portrait signed "Duckworth". I think I actually recognized the models from around town. I also loved the O'Keeffe-esque flower by Susan Lawrence and the two interesting landscapes done with a linear colored pencil technique in the mixed media category by Simone Dalton. There were several pieces that I especially enjoyed seeing since they were created by my childhood painting teacher, Dianna Couto. She still has such a beautiful touch with detail work, as shown on her peony still life and covered bridge landscape.
It made me appreciate how so many people out there create art every day, for enjoyment, self-expression, therapy, and fun in addition to professional work. I’d love to see more young artists submit art works next year, so I’ll be getting in touch with some of you out there next spring (you know who you are!).
In Floyd news, my husband Matt will be heading into the studio Thursday to record the final music cuts for the Floyd DVD. The recording will be made at PBS Studios in Westwood with Peter Kotrimas, who has done the sound engineering on most of Matt’s CDs. Stay tuned for more about the DVD soon!
That's great you were able to judge some of the local artists.