I have spent many summers in a row working on books, recording projects, art education courses..., but this year I decided to do some painting just to paint. So now I'm very excited to present some new works-- my "Bird's Nest Series"!!
Found under a pine tree in our back yard... |
Back in spring, I made the first of this series for a small fund raising show at
Art on Center in Fairhaven, MA. Art works sold would benefit the
Southcoast Humane Society and Animal Shelter, and I painted the first nest you see below for that event.
Then, a few weeks ago, my husband found a beautiful abandoned nest in the back yard. A gift from my bird friends!! This nest became the model for the rest of the paintings.
I am intrigued by the strange man-made objects that become part of the materials in a bird's nest. The birds scavenge and make use of items discarded by people, from remnants of our lives. These creatures become incredibly creative and resourceful to survive. They create comfort and even beauty from nothing.
There are symbolic meanings in the scavenged objects in these works, but I would like to leave that for viewers to attach their own meanings or guess. The nests are a combination of the model nest and what I envision in my imagination. I hope you enjoy them!
Bird's Nest with Gold Thread, 2016
Acrylic on Canvas, 6 x 6 inches
©Kristine Daniels 2016
(private collection)
Bird's Nest with Locket, 2016
Acrylic on Canvas, 10 x 10 inches
©Kristine Daniels 2016
Bird's Nest with Plastic and Fibers, 2016
Acrylic on Canvas, 10 x 10 inches
©Kristine Daniels 2016
Bird's Nest with Tinsel and Feathers, 2016
Acrylic on Canvas, 10 x 10 inches
©Kristine Daniels 2016
You can see the new 3 works in person at the
Art on Center Summer Art Fair from now through Sept. 10, 2016! All works in the member show are for sale, including these.